Our responsibility

Sustainable from the beginning

Sustainability is the very backbone of Holle. It is embraced with honesty and transparency across the entire company. This is the way it has always been since our foundation over 85 years ago, when we began to produce baby food from biodynamic grain. Holle is also one of the first companies to enter into a processing partnership with Demeter.

A world in which all baby food is highest organic quality.
That’s what our customers expect from our products. And what we expect from ourselves.

For us, producing baby food sustainably involves great responsibility and ensuring the highest quality and maximum level of safety. We also undertake to employ sustainable business methods and to produce the highest quality products for a better future.

Every day, we work towards more sustainability. Our objective is not just to protect the environment and save resources, but also to give something back to nature. Active climate protection, diligence throughout the entire supply and production chains and maximising meaning rather than profit – this is our mission as a family-run, sustainable and traditional Swiss company. Our focus is always on our children and grandchildren – after all, what matters most is their future.


In the name of the ear of corn

The ear of corn has accompanied us from the very beginning. The seeds of sustainability stand for the very origins of sustainability in our company. With them, we show in which areas of the company we take responsibility for sustainable business. Each seed represents a different issue. Our ear of corn serves as our guide towards a healthy, ecological and sustainable future.
