Our recipes at a glance

Is your baby ready to wean?Discover our range of delicious recipes, from first meals from five months to quick dishes for all the family.

Colouring picture goat

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Autumn Leaf Lion

Ingredients Empty Holle folding box (from the Holle organic wholemeal cereal porridge / Holle organic milk formula/…) Crayons Leaves Background, e.g. old cardboard / large paper to stick the lion on. Preparation Draw the lion’s head on the...

DIY Bird feeding station made from milk cans

Craft material Empty Holle milk can Wire/Cord Glue Things to stick on, e.g. eyes, wings Preparation Take the empty milk can and stick things on according to your desire. You can hang the milk can with...

Easter nest in a jar

Craft material Empty Holle jar Paper muffin tins Thread Craft grass or hay Small surprise: wood figures, chocolate eggs, rabbits, cookies Preparation Wash glass, decorate it inside according to your desire. Attach the paper muffin tins with...

Magic Sand

Craft material 960 g flour 120 ml oil (sunflower or Holle organic baby weaning oil) If desired: food coloring Preparation Mix everything together and start shaping, cutting out and making piles! Advantage: does not stick, leaves...

DIY snow globes

Craft material Empty glass, eg Holle jars Figures and artificial snow or glitter Hot glue gun or super glue Distilled water Holle baby weaning oil Preparation Glue figure to the inside of the lid with the...

Homemade dough

Craft material 400 g flour 200 g salt 6 tablespoons lemon juice concentrate 400 ml boiling water 3 tablespoons cooking oil Approx. 5 empty Holle fruit or vegetable jars ⁠ Craft material for the color Ca...

Slime from chia seeds

Craft material 25 g chia seeds 150 ml water 200 g starch Food coloring Preparation Mix chia seeds, water, food coloring and put in the refrigerator overnight. Now the mass becomes nice and slimy. Gradually...

Upcycling baby jars – lanterns & lantern jars

Craft material Empty, unlabeled and rinsed jars from Holle.Babyfood Colored construction paper / tissue paper Moss, wooden plates, leaves (real or plastic) Tea lights (real or with battery) Scissors, glue, hot glue Decorative ribbons Possl pens...